A busy family with three young children is usually an inevitable recipe for clutter. Luckily, I have developed some important rules that I live by in order to keep my space clean, tidy and clutter free.
Everything has its place:
For every item that you own, designate it a specific place that it must return to after every single use. This is particularly important if you have kids. Each bag must have its own hook, lunch boxes have their own allocated shelf space and shoes have their own box. This is also important to remember when buying new items. Where will its designated place be in your home? Think very carefully about every single purchase you make and practice the mantra of “one in one out”. If you buy something, make sure it is to replace something else that you already own.
Storage is key
For small items, baskets are your best friend. Organise anything loose in your home into its own appropriately sized baskets, be it kids toys, books or stationery.
For most of my clients, storage is a huge problem area. If you are building or renovating remind your architect you need plenty of storage in every room. It’s never too late to add more storage, my advice is to invest in floor to ceiling wardrobes, rather than separate wardrobes where dust gets trapped at the very top (if you have a high stud). These can be retrofitted at any time, as well as in-roof storage with pull down stairs.
If your master bedroom wardrobe is small, you need to consider two things; 1. Can you take out some winter coats and put them somewhere else during the summer months? 2. Can you reduce what you have? Most of us only wear 10% of the clothes we own on a regular basis. If it’s stashed away deep in a draw and we can’t see it, we don’t wear it.
Use your space wisely. Do you really need to keep your ball dress from 1992? Ok I’ll admit I still have mine... it’s in the same box as my wedding dress stored in the roof. I plan on pulling it out again in a few years time to let the kids have a laugh. If you are keeping an item for sentimental reasons rather than practical reasons, store it somewhere that it won’t be taking up valuable accessible space in the main living area, and instead pack it away into your loft or garage.
5 Tips for preparing your home for sale.
As you may know our house is currently on the market, so we have just spent a month preparing our home for sale.
1. Declutter – make sure what is in your home is essential to you. It’s time to part with anything you no longer require. Look for your local Facebook group – and list items for free, or sell what is still unwanted items on Trademe.
2. Invest in a storage unit and remove extra items of furniture that are not functional to the space, the less furniture in a room the bigger it will look.
3. You will meet a few agents to view your home before you choose the one. Ask each agent what they think needs changing about your home to help it look amazing for the open homes.
4. Buying new towels, duvet covers, house plants, and a few new cushions goes a long way. This will give your home a fresh look, and you get to take them with you to your new home.
5. Get help from an interior designer to help arrange furniture and style your home, you may only need to purchase a few new items, to add the wow factor. Contact Hello Saturday today if you require this service.